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Bigg Robb |
As a young child I grew up 10 houses from wcin am 1480
Which also sat next to cedar hill farms the local dairy which provided amongst many products those small 8 oz cartons of milk that were served everyday in the Cincinnati public school system
I rode my bike everyday up and down glenwood ave after school and in the big parking lot that was shared between both wcin and the dairy
And on occasion after mr sonny burns would leave and the front office was closed we would play football in the grass of 106 glenwood ave -aka wcin.
Which also sat next to cedar hill farms the local dairy which provided amongst many products those small 8 oz cartons of milk that were served everyday in the Cincinnati public school system
I rode my bike everyday up and down glenwood ave after school and in the big parking lot that was shared between both wcin and the dairy
And on occasion after mr sonny burns would leave and the front office was closed we would play football in the grass of 106 glenwood ave -aka wcin.
My love for music has been a god given gift that has been chiseled by many musical endeavors but one of the greatest is wcin I listened learned and now as I write this have just come to understand how much a part of my life it was and still is the jocks were like superstars to me
I can remember spider webb,bob long,frank bailey,Lincoln ware ,symphony sid kennedy sweet jelly roll,lil Abraham,virgil Nixon,marsha robinson,gina ruffin, and my personal fave THE CORK! They played the hottest jams and were celebrities In their own right sometimes opening the mic to say the first person who rings the bell on the back door wins a pair of tickets to “the easter ball” or everybody callin in to say “I got it “and Lincoln ware always hollerin “BYE” when he had enuff of you callin all your friends names
I can remember spider webb,bob long,frank bailey,Lincoln ware ,symphony sid kennedy sweet jelly roll,lil Abraham,virgil Nixon,marsha robinson,gina ruffin, and my personal fave THE CORK! They played the hottest jams and were celebrities In their own right sometimes opening the mic to say the first person who rings the bell on the back door wins a pair of tickets to “the easter ball” or everybody callin in to say “I got it “and Lincoln ware always hollerin “BYE” when he had enuff of you callin all your friends names
Man this is such a part of my musical heritage this is the place I first learned what records sound like and how to Speak to a crowd you see all the jocks were characters and entertainers in their own right they had personality and charisma for days and those lessons I have used endlessly as a M.C The music from back then is what I have downloaded on my ipod right now when I hear the enchantment its u that I need I think of cork doin 7-midnite Or when I hear Tell I t by our own Charles Fold I think of getting up early for school while my granny is enjoying little Abrahams gospel show and all the people callin in for prayer which by the way doesn’t even exist on black radio anymore wonder what would happen if Tom joyner did a prayer line huh?
At the age of 12 I became a d.j. at Waif-Fm a small community station and was taught the art of radio by Tom knox a wcin alumni he had a program called the radio workshop which allowed us his students to be on the air sometimes @ wcin it is from these beginning I met all the movers n shakers in the music biz from Cincinnati and eventually went to work for Roger Troutman and Zapp a group which began as Roger and the Human Body and whose first local L.P.. had liner notes written by wcin”s bob long I stayed with the group for 25 years and am now a record producer,recording artist and record company owner throughout
My 30 plus years in the music biz ive seen and experienced many things but some of the most joyful times go back to being a lil boy sittin on my bike and talkin to the cork thru the back window of wcin while he was on the air because unlike a lot of the other jocks he was always willin to answer my many questions about records the billboard charts and the recording artists He is the one who explained to me why a record like The Commodores brick house which wcin had been playing for 6 months was now being called “new” on the pop station Q-102.
So I guess to sum it up wcin is as much a part of my dna as life itself because before I was a artist or producer I was just a plain on music lover and it was wcin am 1480 that kept my needs supplied
So I will close this like wcins’s great sportsman Bill Meredith
By sayin
So I will close this like wcins’s great sportsman Bill Meredith
By sayin