But back to a "call"....I actually asked the Lord..after seeing and feeling grieved at the condition of of my community, both locally and at large..what could I do to bring back the spirit of togetherness that we experienced when AM1480WCIN was the go to station for news, sports and entertainment pertinent to our interests. It came to me..plain as day to "gather the folks together that once did it..and do it again." I got confirmation when I visited a former employee at the radio station that is now positioned on the 1480 spot on the dial...how ironic! She said I ought to put a gathering together and it became my mission.
Here's how I know it was a "calling"...I couldn't sleep at night...it was nothing odd for me to wake up at 4am with the name of another former employee on my lips and I had to immediately write it down and put things in place to make sure the "Family" was able to get together and collectively give me what I needed to move forward with the next steps..and they did!!
On Saturday, January 16, 2016...over 60 old friends gathered for the "Former Employees of WCIN Family Reunion" at the Community Action Agency on Reading Rd. We hugged, reminisced, laughed, cried together the majority of the evening. Thanks to Robert Humphries for providing the same music we played as background music for the night. Food was provided by D & G Homestyle Cooking and a special candy bar set up by the W Experience. One of the many highlights of the evening was the arrival of John Thomas, former owner of WCIN, which was met with a standing ovation...a recognition for his taking on the challenge of keeping the icon alive. Thanks to Michael Mitchell for capturing the night digitally...
I told the crowd about the "call" that was put on me to keep the spirit of WCIN alive...and I received the blessing of the family to carry on....
This story has had many twists and turns as I take on the Next Steps in this journey!
I have conferred with many people regarding the latest method of communication, especially when it comes to how radio is done today...it is not the wave of the future...it is the way radio is done now. There are internet radio stations coming to the cyberworld by the hundreds. They are, for the most part, affordable to operate because they don't require the overhead of the brick and mortar radio stations.
Part of this trek had me on a path that required me being housed in a location that was financially restricting...but doable with committed sponsorship. A person who was greatly influential in helping me gather funds for the location was called home to be with the Lord just before we were able to secure the financing....Rest In Peace...Robert B.Lane...my mentor...
This news, which I received on a Monday...devastated me and quite honestly discouraged me and I was in a true funk all the day...not knowing if this was an end to my quest.
Well...the very next day..at a weekly breakfast gathering I have with some progressive brothers known as Just a Few Good Men of Cincinnati..(most of whom have pledged financial support for the internet radio effort)..there was a gentleman in attendance who brought calm to the storm in my mind..he is part of a group that makes internet radio for anyone...a reality.
At this point in time....there will be an internet radio station that will revive, relive and rejuvenate the Spirit of WCIN...it will be a station that focuses on information that positively impacts the community. Information that will be culturally uplifting and bring hope once again...with a path to solutions.
I am gearing up for the launching of the rebirth of an icon....but I can use your help...I have a gofundme account that I'm asking those that believe in the cause..to contribute..
.....the Website is currently under construction...but coming soon!

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